A few days ago I had to collect some medication from the pharmacy of our local hospital. Thinking that it opened at 8.00 a.m I arrived at the Pharmacy only to find that it opened at 9.00, so I was an hour early!
My first thought was to head to the restaurant for a coffee and maybe some breakfast, but felt prompted as I passed the Faith and Belief Room to go in. Although I had passed this room many times, I had never been inside so I was curious to discover what it was like.
As I entered, I felt a wonderful sense of peace and wonder, and the beauty of it was arresting. God’s presence was almost tangible. There was a simple but beautiful display comprised of a rough wooden cross and Nativity figures of the shepherds worshipping the newborn baby Jesus, with a stained glass window of deep blue behind it. At one side was a small Christmas tree decorated with prayer cards written by people asking God for help and healing for loved ones who were ill, awaiting operations or medical procedures. Also on the tree were prayers of thanksgiving, thanking God for physical recoveries and successes either for themselves or others. One card simply said. ‘Thank you, God, for saving my life.’

In this moment I felt the Holy Spirit touching me and found myself in tears as into my mind flashed a fresh realisation of how God had cared for me and my family over the past year. A year ago, my husband had been seriously ill in Intensive care and the prayers of many dear friends and family were instrumental, I believe, in his recovery. I believe God rescued him. I breathed a prayer of thanks for God’s goodness and also for His provision and care through the year for each of my children in their different circumstances.
Another God-thought came to me as I looked at the Prayer Tree. It was as if I was given a sudden download of hope for the world. We are in dark times and in our modern secular society it can seem as though few people have hope in God any more. Yet the little Prayer Tree with its simple but heartfelt prayers proved that this is not the case! I sensed God saying, ‘many people hope and trust in Me. Just look at these prayers! My light is shining in this dark world. I am the hope. Do not be discouraged! Shine your light to those around you, sharing the hope that you have in Me.’
I felt compelled to sit and soak in this moment, drinking in the simple yet profound truth portrayed by the Prayer Tree. I had sensed God’s pleasure in the prayers people had offered and the simplicity of it struck me. God does not need long complicated prayers, but rather He loves the ordinary, sometimes desperate prayers, which come from the heart of those who seek Him. Looking at the shepherd figures in sackcloth depicted in the Nativity display I was impacted by the truth that God revealed Himself first to humble shepherds, the lowest of the low in that society. Social class, position, education and worldly success are of no relevance in God’s kingdom. It is a humble and contrite heart which He requires and responds to.
At the other side of the Nativity display was another prayer tree, this one being more like a branch than a tree. On it were more prayers. As I looked at it I felt prompted to write a prayer offering to God the future for my family in the year ahead, thanking Him for His goodness in 2023 and looking forward with hope and expectation to His leading and guidance in 2024.

As I wrote the prayer, the scripture Isaiah 43: 18-21 came to mind:
‘ Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up: do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. ‘ Isaiah 43: 18-21 (NIV)
I chose to leave behind not the good memories of how God had been faithful to us, but the fears and anxieties of the past, and to take His hand and walk forward with Him.
A few moments later I left the Faith and Belief Room and walked a few yards along the corridor to the restaurant, where I had intended to go earlier. I noted with some amusement that it opened at 9.00, confirming that God really had wanted me to go into that beautiful room and spend some time in prayer. I still had half an hour before the Pharmacy opened, so I went into the restaurant and enjoyed some bacon and egg, still pondering over my encounter with God in the prayer room and thanking Him for the prompt to go in. I am so glad that I responded and didn’t walk past.
It is my intention to look for the treasures God has prepared for me each day as I go into the new year. Will you do the same?