The Moving Walkway

You may have heard the old hymn ‘O God, our help in ages past’. Verse 5 says:

Time, like an everlasting stream

Bears all its sons away.

They fly forgotten as a dream

Dies at the opening day

(Isaac Watts)

While I was praying, I had a ‘picture’ in my mind.   It was a moving walkway in an airport, with many people moving along it, all day. People stepping on, moving to the end, then stepping off before disappearing as they go on their way. Thousands of people travel along this short track every day but no one knows or cares about the individuals who walk along it, or where they are headed. It is just a continuous flow of people.

Yet God sees and knows each one. So it is with life. Throughout time, billions are born, live and die, yet each life has purpose and value; each one is unique and precious to God. It grieves Him to see so many reach the end of their life and not having met Him- a precious life passed into eternity without Him.

If you are reading this and do not yet know Jesus, why not receive Him now as your Saviour?

Or, if you already know Him, ask God to help you share the message of His love and salvation with others, as He leads you

Oh, Lord, what is man that you care for him, the son of man that you think of him?  Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.”  

(Psalm 144.4)